Today I dwelled in the Temple of Suckitude. Had chemo, that was fine, despite everyone running late. I was so sleepy and tired walking home, my legs felt like they weighed a thousand pounds and I kept tripping because I thought I was lifting my feet, but wasn't. I must have looked intoxicated, drunk woman in big floppy hat.
I picked up Jonah at camp, got him to piano, went to my studio {in the same building}, to find that some bags I'd left outside the door for someone to pick up had been stolen. People leave things out all the time and no one bothers with them.
I came home, crazy tired, but determined to grill some chicken for the boys. I went to light the grill, but it was out of gas. G came out to help me change gas canisters and while doing so, the whole underside of the grill crumbled into tiny pieces, from age and weather, no doubt. Not good because G is having a BBQ for his football team on Thursday because one of the players is moving away. A nice idea and I'm impressed they're organizing it themselves and all bringing the food {in theory}, so I have 36 hours to get a new grill, because I have so much energy and free time.
I ordered takeout from our local asian place as a replacement dinner and I got a staple in my volcano shrimp, which, yes, I found by biting it.
I'm writing today off as a total loss, and will try again tomorrow.
No fair. The staple especially. Seriously? You should get free shrimp, and free staples, for life from that place. Was it Apsara?