Thursday, November 24, 2011

OMG, there is something better than an iPad

What is better than an iPad? Not a trick question, because I just found out there is actually something far, far better than an iPad and that is an iPad given to you by 30+ kind, caring, generous proactive souls. Who says artists aren’t organized? Someone who doesn't know the people I know, that’s for sure. Jonah said, “wow mom, real tears of joy, I’ve never seen those before.”

I don’t even know what to say, I’m blown away, I’m speechless and when's the last time you saw that? It is a wonderful thing to have a tribe, thank you for being my tribe.

I think my cancer can’t compete with you and all the positive endorphins I’ve got swirling around my brain. I think an act of kindness is far more powerful than a cancer cell and with so many caring people and my clear scans, I feel like I can do this. So screw off cancer, I think you picked the wrong host.

Happy Thanksgiving from one who is mightily thankful!